Crescenta Valley Veterinary Hospital
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Veterinary Care Services in Internal Medicine for Companion Animal & Exotic Pets

Internal veterinary medicine deals with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases—those pet care concerns that surface at every life stage. At Crescenta Valley Veterinary Hospital, we have years of experience in preventive medicine, the use of advanced diagnostic technology, and the most current treatment modalities for disease. Our experience in internal medicine applies to companion animal care, including birds and exotic species.

Veterinary Services in Internal Medicine

Internal medicine services include the care of patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal, urogenital, endocrine, and hematologic systems. We offer comprehensive veterinary medicine and critical care for dogs, cats, birds, small animals, and exotic pets.

Services at our hospital include:

Our in-house diagnostic services include our veterinary diagnostic laboratory, as well as ultrasound, digital X-ray, endoscopy, and EKG.

Contact our hospital with questions about veterinary care for your special pet.

Safeguards: Do No Harm

At CVVH, we are committed to the safest, most humane care for all companion animals. The safeguards we put in place to ensure such care include the following:

  • Continuing education—Our staff keeps up with the latest information
  • Excellence—All members of the team follow AAHA standards
  • Supervision—Our staff receives interactive guidance from DVMs
  • Chain of command—Team members do not exceed authority
  • Cleanliness—Constant effort to keep surroundings clean and comfortable
  • Anesthesia safety—We perform blood work before every anesthesia
  • Safe recovery—We provide constant monitoring of anesthesia until the patient is alert and recovered
  • Infection control—Through single-use endotracheal tubes and ear cones
  • Ethics—We are committed to following the law/Practice Act/OSHA
  • Safe medications—Procedures include double-checking prescriptions
  • Accuracy—Diligence in auditing charts and logs
  • Antiseptic—We maintain stringent sterile surgery standards

The health and safety of our patients is critical to our purpose—to treat every patient as if he or she was our own pet.

Veterinary Care Resources

For more information about the best veterinary care for your pet, visit Healthy Pet and enjoy the Pet Health Center of Web MD. Keep informed—visit the ASPCA Poison Control Hotline.

Best vet ever anywhere.”

- Michael D.

I not only like the Crescenta Valley Vet Hospital, I like the people who run it!!”

- Elizabeth G.

You folks are the best, thanks for taking such good care of our 4 legged children”

- Helen L.

THANK YOU to the doctors and staff at CV for being so caring and patient, with animals and humans!! :) We love u!!”

- Dantes and family!!

These guys are fantastic. The staff are so friendly and helpful, you couldn't want a better place to take your loved ones for care. I wish hospitals were this good!!!”

- Virginia C.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your care and concern. We are fortunate to have you.”

- Sparky & Martha

CVVH not only strives to provide the best medical care for your pets, but they also educate pet owners on how they can be proactive in creating a quality lifestyle for their pets."

- John C.

Thanks so much for the years of care & treatment for Buddy & Bruin. You and your staff are the best!"

- Chris L.