Crescenta Valley Veterinary Hospital
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Quality Pet Care Includes Our Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory for Rapid Results


Crescenta Valley Veterinary Hospital offers in-house laboratory services providing immediate results for CBC, full blood chemistry, hematology, blood clotting time, serology, urinalysis, and parasite testing.

Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory

Some common wellness tests we perform at our hospital include the following:

  • CBC (complete blood count)—Measures the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets in a sample; these numbers give us information to help diagnose infections, anemia, and leukemia
  • Chemistry panel—Measures electrolytes, enzymes, and chemical elements such as calcium and phosphorous levels; these measurements help determine how the animal’s organs (kidneys, pancreas, and liver) are functioning
  • Urinalysis—Helps detect the presence of notable substances such as protein, sugar, white blood cells, or blood; the concentration of urine can also indicate a possible illness. Urinalysis helps diagnose urinary tract infections, diabetes, dehydration, kidney problems, and more
  • Fecal exam—To detect the presence of intestinal parasites or blood in the stool, twice annually as recommended by the Companion Animal Parasite Council
  • Blood parasite screen—Tests for heartworm and tick-borne diseases
  • FeLV/FIV—We perform feline leukemia, feline immunodeficiency virus, and heartworm tests on all feline patients
  • cPL Screen—Detects pancreatitis

In a healthy animal, we run these laboratory tests during the initial wellness exam to establish baseline values for your pet. Then, if your pet should get sick, we compare the new lab work to the previous baseline values to determine the exact level of abnormality. A CBC and chemistry panel is recommended at least annually for senior pets aged seven or older.

Tests for Sick or Injured Pets

In sick pets, we also use laboratory tests to confirm the presence of illnesses and to rule out other diseases. Sometimes we may need to use lab tests during the treatment of a disease or illness to see how your pet is responding to treatment.

When a pet sustains an injury, laboratory tests help us monitor for infection during the recovery and healing process. Test such as these may also reveal developing diseases that may impede healing or stress-related concerns such as dehydration.

Lab Work for Surgical Patients

When a pet is scheduled for surgery, we perform pre-surgical screening tests to determine risk of complications while under general anesthesia. Screening tests of this type are recommended for all ages including young, healthy pets. Pre-anesthetic blood work alerts us to any hidden problems your pet may have, significantly minimizes the risk of surgery, and gives peace of mind.

For specialized diagnostics and consultations, we work closely with a certified veterinary laboratory.

Contact us for information about your pet’s lab work.

Best vet ever anywhere.”

- Michael D.

I not only like the Crescenta Valley Vet Hospital, I like the people who run it!!”

- Elizabeth G.

You folks are the best, thanks for taking such good care of our 4 legged children”

- Helen L.

THANK YOU to the doctors and staff at CV for being so caring and patient, with animals and humans!! :) We love u!!”

- Dantes and family!!

These guys are fantastic. The staff are so friendly and helpful, you couldn't want a better place to take your loved ones for care. I wish hospitals were this good!!!”

- Virginia C.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your care and concern. We are fortunate to have you.”

- Sparky & Martha

CVVH not only strives to provide the best medical care for your pets, but they also educate pet owners on how they can be proactive in creating a quality lifestyle for their pets."

- John C.

Thanks so much for the years of care & treatment for Buddy & Bruin. You and your staff are the best!"

- Chris L.